


Select non-squared area from .nc file

Added by paolo de luca over 4 years ago

Hi all,

I hope you can help me.

I need to select a non-squared area (two longitude points and three latitude points) from an .nc file.

Here the coordinates of the area: lon1=-10.0 lat1=48.0 lon1=-10.0 lat2=75.0 lon2=40.0 lat2=75.0 lon2=40.0 lat3=61.3

How can I do this with CDO?
Is there a function similar to sellonlatbox which allows me to input more than 2 values per lon/lat?

Thanks for any help.

Replies (10)

RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 4 years ago

Hi Pao,

if you know the gridcell indices then you can use the selgridcell operator.


RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by paolo de luca over 4 years ago

Dear Karin,

thank you for the kind answer. Unfortunately I do not know the gridcell indices.

But I have the shapefile of the area from which I want to extract the netcdf data.

Here below the links for downloading both shapefile and netcdf file:

shapefile [[]]
netcdf [[]]

I tried to follow this post [[]] but I was unsuccessful. After adapting the NCL script and run it I got the following error: shapefile_mask_data: Error: not a valid rectilinear, curvilinear, or unstructured grid
Maybe the problem is that my netcdf variable ua has 4 dimensions: time, plev, lat, lon, and the NCL script only allows 3 dimensions in total. I do not need plev and I tried to remove it with NCO following these discussions [[]] but it did not work.

Is there any way I can extract form the netcdf file only the data which are contained in the shapefile boundaries?

Thanks for any suggestion.

RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 4 years ago

You can reduce a single value dimension with

cdo --reduce_dim -copy

RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by paolo de luca over 4 years ago

Thanks, it does help. But my output is still not correct.

Here what I have done:

1) remove dimension

cdo --reduce_dim -copy

2) updated the NCL script with input netcdf = and remove one dimension from ua variable, then create the netcdf mask:

ncl create_nc_mask.ncl

3) apply the mask to

cdo div

Attached below you can see the output plotted (ua grid-point mean), which is similar, but not exactly the same as the original shapefile.

Any suggestion on what it is wrong?

RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 4 years ago

The NCL script has to be modified:

;-- copy shapefile_utils.ncl from
load "$HOME/NCL/shapefiles/shapefile_utils.ncl" 

shpname  = "./shape1/shape1.shp" 
maskname = "./shape1/" 


;-- open data file to get the grid to be used
f   = addfile("","r")
var = f->ua(0,0,:,:)
lat = f->lat
lon = f->lon


;-- shapefile mask resources
opt             =  True
opt@return_mask =  True    ;-- this forces the return of a 0s and 1s mask array

;-- create the mask based on the given shapefile
mask_array     = shapefile_mask_data(var, shpname, opt)
mask_array!0   = "lat" 
mask_array!1   = "lon" 
mask_array&lon = lon
mask_array&lat = lat

;-- create new netCDF file and write mask array
system("rm -f " + maskname)
fout = addfile(maskname,"c")

fout->mask_array =  mask_array

Then you can do the following:

cdo --reduce_dim -copy 

cdo -remapbil,"./shape1/"

cdo -mul ./shape1/


RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by paolo de luca over 4 years ago

Hi Karin,

thank you for your help and time.

I followed your instructions but I still get a wrong output file, with the final area different from the shapefile's one.

In simple words, my question is:

how can I extract CMIP6 data from climate models netcdf outputs that belong to SREX region 11 (North Europe, NEU)?

Thanks for any help.

RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 4 years ago

The shows the correct data within the NEU region. But maybe you want to set the 0 values from the mask to missing value then do

cdo -mul -setctomiss,0 ./shape1/

RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by paolo de luca over 4 years ago

I am sorry, but our outputs do not correspond to SREX region NEU (11).

Attached you can find the original NEU region boundaries. The pink area is the NEU area.


RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 4 years ago

But the shapefile has the above region. :(

RE: Select non-squared area from .nc file - Added by paolo de luca over 4 years ago

ok. I made some progress. the outputs did not cover the British Isles because the netcdf file longitude coordinates needed to be converted to WGS84 -180,180.

Here the complete steps I followed:

  1. remove plev dimension from netcdf file
    cdo --reduce_dim -copy
  1. convert longitude to -180, 180
    cdo sellonlatbox,-180,180,-90,90
  1. create mask (see NCL script updated [[]])
    ncl create_nc_mask_NEU.ncl
  1. apply mask
    cdo div #################

Attached the output. What is missing from the original SREX 11 area is its southern part (e.g. Denmark and southern England are included) and a correct representation/boundary of the southern diagonal line.
