


Error (cdf_put_vara_double) : Protocol error

Added by Helio Camargo over 13 years ago

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to convert a grib file to netcdf by doing:
cdo -r -f nc copy file1.grb

The error I get is the following:

cdf_put_vara_double : ncid = 4 varid = 4 val0 = 7.264030
Error (cdf_put_vara_double) : *Protocol error

I also tried to use
'cdo -b 32 -r -f nc copy file1.grb' or '-b 64' and got the same error message

Just to make sure it doesn't have to do with the conversion from grb to netcdf, I also tried to merge 2 netcdf files with mergetime using and don't using the '-b ??' option. I also tested the mergetime with packed and non-packed data. None of the previous options actually work. Just as extra and final infos: 1. 'cdo info file' works fine! and 2. I installed cdo apparently without any problems in my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - Lucid.

I'd appreciate any kind of help or hint on this problem.

Thanks a lot for your attention.



Replies (1)

RE: Error (cdf_put_vara_double) : Protocol error - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 13 years ago

Hi Helio,

I have never seen this error before. This message comes directly from the netCDF library. Could you provide the input data and the result of 'cdo -V'.

