




There is a cdo-related docker image on the docker hub. For running it, you only need to have docker installed and the image loaded with

docker pull try2cdo/ubuntu_cdo

Now you can start the image with your home directory mounted into the running image under /${USER}
docker run -v ${HOME}:/${USER} -it try2cdo/ubuntu_cdo /bin/bash

After a successful start, you should switch to the user me with
su - me

For that user the image contains nco, ncl, Miniconda3 and the latest release of cdo. It is based on ubuntu-16.04 LTS.


another option is using conda through docker. The conda-forge group offers a prebuild linux environment ready for working with conda:

  1. download the image with:
    docker pull condaforge/linux-anvil
  2. run it with your home-dir mapped to /$USER within the image:
    docker run -v ${HOME}:/${USER} -it condaforge/linux-anvil /bin/bash
  3. once started, install cdo with conda with
    conda install cdo