


select operator

Added by Richard Harvey 11 months ago

Hello again!

More problems!

I am working with raw SREF model data files from which I want to extract a variable into a single time-varying stack, I want to use the select operator for this, and in some mysterious circumstances, the select operator only gives me the first time step of a given variable from the SREF files. The result should be a single file containing all the time steps of that variable, yet, depending on how I specify the input files, sometimes I only get the first time step (this happens when I feed it the explicit list of all the files, or I use some glob expressions that turn out to be problematic), but sometimes I do succeed in retrieving all the time steps but then the timestamps are reset to 01-01-0001 00:00:00 (for when I use input=*<m>.f<step>.grib2, turned out to work ok????)....

The take home message is that there is something weird when I try to concatenate files into single time-varying variables with SREF files that I don't encounter with GEFS, HRRR etc...

Thanks in advance for your help,


Replies (1)

RE: select operator - Added by Ralf Mueller 11 months ago

hi guys!

In order to help I need some of the files to check the pattern handing in-detail. Can you upload some samples?

