


cdo use-cases for shournal - the shell journal

Added by Tycho Kirchner about 3 years ago

Hello, and sorry for the distraction.
For a scientific publication I'm looking for realistic use-cases of my tool shournal

outside the field of bioinformatics. shournal is a low level command- and file-tracker for the Linux-shell, which enables the user to better reproduce the own work. For example you can ask the tool for the exact command-sequence which created/modified/read a given file.
I think cdo is a good candidate to demonstrate shournal's usefulness and already made up some examples, however, I would really appreciate the help of real-world cdo-users: What would you use shournal for? Please provide short commandline-snippets.
As a bonus: I'm also looking for additional realistic benchmark candidates, the observed command should preferably read and write many files (more than 10.000).

Thank you in advance
Tycho Kirchner