


faster speed of processing nc file

Added by ibomcha meitei almost 3 years ago

Hi all,
how can I faster the speed of processing my files?
For example, the conversion of projection of an NC file of 37 gb took me 5 hours.
My system is win10 with ram 32gb and di7 processor.
however, I used ubuntu in virtualbox.

I would be happy if anyone could suggest to faster processing time.

Thank you

Replies (1)

RE: faster speed of processing nc file - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 2 years ago

Hi Bijoy,

it depends on what you want to have at the end.

Does the input files contain multiple, variables, timesteps, and levels? Do you need the complete grid or just a sub-region?

What you can do if necessary:

- select wanted variables
- select wanted levels
- select wanted time range
- select wanted region

