


reference manual ยป afterburner.txt

Uwe Schulzweida, 2010-02-16 14:18


after - transforms and selects data from T-model GRIB or netCDF files


after [ -options ] infiles resultfile < namelist


The program "after" reads, unpacks, transforms and selects data
from T-model GRIB/netCDF files, and writes them to
SERVICE/GRIB/netCDF format for further processing (i.e. plotting).
Additionally, pressure or height interpolation is optional
(refer to parameter description of "UNITSEL").

Possible combinations of TYPE, CODE and MEAN

TYPE = 0 : CODE = 130 temperature MEAN = 0
131 u-velocity
132 v-velocity
133 specific humidity
138 vorticity
148 streamfunction
149 velocity potential
152 LnPs
155 divergence

TYPE = 10: CODE = (same as TYPE 0) MEAN = 0

TYPE = 11: CODE = (same as TYPE 0) MEAN = 0

TYPE > 11: CODE = (all codes) MEAN = 0/1

Vorticity, divergence, streamfunction and velocity potential
need special treatment in the vertical transformation.
They are not available as types 30, 40 and 41.
If you select one of these combinations, type is automatically
switched to the equivalent types 70, 60 and 61. The type of all
other variables will be switched too, because the type is a
global parameter.


-P <nthreads> : Set number of OpenMP threads
-c : Print available codes and names
-d : Debug mode



default -> TYPE = 0 : Hybrid level spectral coefficients
TYPE = 10 : Hybrid level fourier coefficients
TYPE = 11 : Hybrid level zonal mean sections
TYPE = 20 : Hybrid level gauss grids
TYPE = 30 : Pressure or Height level gauss grids
TYPE = 40 : Pressure or Height level fourier coefficients
TYPE = 41 : Pressure or Height level zonal mean sections
TYPE = 50 : Pressure or Height level spectral coefficients
TYPE = 60 : Pressure or Height level fourier coefficients
TYPE = 61 : Pressure or Height level zonal mean sections
TYPE = 70 : Pressure or Height level gauss grids

default -> CODE = -1 : process all detected codes
CODE = 1 - 255 ECMWF field codes (130=Temperature, etc.)
256 - 258 : internal
259 : sqrt(u*u + v*v)
260 : largescale + convective rain
261 : total top radiation
262 : total bottom radiation
263 : net heat flux
264 : net water flux

default -> LEVEL = -1 : process all detected levels
LEVEL =: Up to NN + 1 hybrid, pressure or height levels
(depending on TYPE and UNITSEL !!!)
NN depends on model type (e.g. 19, 31 or 39)

default -> MULTI = 0 : Process only one input file
MULTI = n : Process "n" input files - each containing
one month. Put only the name of the first
input file on the command line. All subsequent
files are expected to be in the same directory.
The filenames must follow the syntax
experiment_YYMM, where YY denotes the year
and MM the month.

default -> DAYIN = 30 : Day step for incrementing input file names
DAYIN = nn : Day step is nn days
Used only in conjunction with MULTI != 0.
Since ECHAM4 output files follow the
naming convention
DAYIN is the time step in days between
subsequent input files for MULTI != 0.

default -> MEAN = 0 : Write out all terms
MEAN = 1 : Compute and write monthly or daily mean fields
!!! Only for TYPE >= 20 !!!
MEAN = 2 : Compute and write monthly or daily deviations.
!!! Only for TYPE = 20 or TYPE = 30 !!!
MEAN = 3 : Combination of MEAN=1 and MEAN=2.
Each mean field is followed by a deviation
field with an identical header record.
!!! Only for TYPE = 20 or TYPE = 30 !!!

default -> INTERVAL = 0 : Process data on monthly intervals
INTERVAL = 1 : Process data on daily intervals
e.g. To compute daily averages
set MEAN = 1 and INTERVAL = 1
INTERVAL = 2 : Process data over all inputfiles
e.g. To compute an average over
all inputfiles
set MEAN = 1 and INTERVAL = 2

default ->TIMESEL = -1 : The resultfile contains the same timesteps
per day as the input file.
Multiple values may be specified, i.e.
TIMESEL = 0, 12, 18
Note that only hours existing in the input
file can be specified.
(No time interpolation or average is done)

default ->UNITSEL = 0 : Pressure interpolation (TYPE >= 30)
or hybrid level output (TYPE <= 20).
Unlike before, pressure levels less than 100 Pa
can be processed (except 0 and negative values).
UNITSEL = 1 : Height interpolation
Values specified for LEVEL are interpreted
as height-meters (TYPE >= 30).
(Maximum LEVEL: 65535 m)
UNITSEL = 2 : Height interpolation
Values specified for LEVEL are interpreted
as height-kilometers (TYPE >= 30).
(Maximum LEVEL: 65 km)

default -> FORMAT = 0 : SERVICE
FORMAT = 2 : netCDF
FORMAT = 4 : netCDF version 2
FORMAT = 6 : netCDF version 4

default -> PRECISION = 0 : use input data precision for output
PRECISION = 8 : 8 bit packed output data precision
PRECISION = 16 : 16 bit packed output data precision
PRECISION = 24 : 24 bit packed output data precision
PRECISION = 32 : 32 bit floating point output data precision
PRECISION = 64 : 64 bit floating point output data precision

default -> SZIP = 0 : No SZIP compression of GRIB records
SZIP = 1 : SZIP compression of GRIB records

EXTRAPOLATE = 0 : No extrapolation of missing values during the
interpolation from model to pressure or height level
(only available with MEAN = 0 and TYPE = 30)
default -> EXTRAPOLATE = 1 : Extrapolate missing values


To create monthly mean over all codes and hybrid levels in GRIB
format, try

after Model-file GRIB-file.avg << EOF

To select code 129 and 130 and interpolate to pressure levels
100, 250, 500, 850, 925 and 1000 hPa, try

after Model-file GRIB-file.sel << EOF
LEVEL=10000, 25000, 50000, 85000, 92500, 100000

To calculate u and v velocity from vorticity and divergence
on model level, try

after Model-file GRIB-file.sel << EOF
